EDI Success Stories EDI Success Stories Name * Name First First Last Last WashU Email * University Role * University Department * What is your relationship with the Equity & Inclusion Council? * I’m a current member. I’m a previous member. I know a current or past member. I’m interested in joining the council. I’m interested as a community member. OtherOther What positive story or anecdote would you like to share? * What are the names, email addresses, and position titles of people in your story? Do we have your permission to use this story for internal and external communications? (i.e. website, brochure, etc.) Yes, absolutely to both! You can share this internally but not externally. No. This is only for council members to know. May we follow-up if we have additional questions? Yes. Of course! I’m not sure. Thank you but no. If you have an image of the person or event, please share! Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 51.2MB If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Submit Start Over Δ