Key Documents
Foundational and procedural documents
2021-26 Charter and Organizing Principles
FY23-25 Budget Working Draft and Budgetary Priorities & Process
Published reports
2020 Community Update – outlining the student demand-response loop 1968-2020
Year One Update to the Board of Trustees (May 6, 2021)
2021 WUEIC Recommendations to the Strategic Planning Process
2021 Community Update – Executive Summary
2021 Community Update – Full Version
2021 Highlighted Member Profiles – Stand-alone
Committee Documents
Find each committee’s purview, quick links to running notes, and shared folders below.
Are you a committee co-chair? Here are notes on alignment efforts across committees.
Here is the shared Box folder of all committee notes and materials.
The primary purpose of executive committee meetings is to review the efforts of the standing committees and working groups, including any recommendations and/or actions. It weighs in on elements that need consideration by the Board of Trustees or are otherwise implemented via universitywide policy change or the allocation of resources outside of the WUEIC budget.
The purpose of governance committee meetings is to review and manage matters related to the WUEIC budget and procedures for the open call members-at-large selection process; act as the selection committee for the open call members-at-large selection process; oversee the annual operational evaluations of WUEIC; and drive evaluation of the WUEIC charter once every five years.
Accountability & Measurement
The purpose of accountability & measurement committee meetings is to continue the work of defining accountability and to create and design systems for measurement of progress on initiatives related to advancing equity and inclusion across the university.
Student Liaisons
The student liaison committee is open to all council members who are enrolled in the university as students. This group functions as a caucus group of student
representatives who discuss student-focused concerns related to equity and inclusion. Students who serve on this committee may also be on other committees and working groups.
Communication, Storytelling, and Reporting
The CS&R committee has crafted a strategy-driven communication plan to establish long and short-term goals that act as a measure for all projects and initiatives it undertakes. This approach ensures every collective action will promote and further WUEICs mission. Tangible expressions of this plan include collaborating with other committees, investigation and naming of narrative themes, synthesis and framing themes into various materials such as reports and other materials council staff can utilize, and communicative support to the university community and/or the Board of Trustees. Additionally it maintains practices of ongoing and transparent communications with the university community on the council’s behalf; or recommends that the university build structures for such communications.
School-Based Teams
The goals of the school-based teams are to align efforts within each school across roles, and the meetings function to:
- Provide representative insight to WUEIC on the unique considerations of each school — which each function with unique systems locally as part of the broader university system — to the ends of understanding the state of equity and inclusion and identify system-wide issues and opportunities for policy change, and:
- Build capacity within each school to apply systems-change thinking to internal policies and practices and advance equity and inclusion at the local level.